Invest towards your goal with our expertise

We make investing easy by recommending what to invest in – a mix of our funds, selected by our experts.

Get Tempo

Feel confident with a customised mix of managed funds

Once you've identified your investor type and set up your goal, we'll recommend a mix of our funds for you. It doesn't end there, though - we'll continue to give you advice throughout your journey to achieving your goal.

Our range of funds

Our recommendations contain a mix from our 13 carefully curated funds.

Cash icon

Cash Fund

Local bond icon

Local Bond Fund

New Zealand companies icon

NZ Companies Fund

Australian companies icon

AUS Companies Fund

Australasian property icon

Australasian Property Fund

Global Quality icon

Global Quality Fund

Global value icon

Global Value Fund

Global growth icon

Global Growth Fund

Low carbon icon

Global Sustainability Fund

Climate Change icon

Climate Change Fund

Tech innovation icon

Tech Fund

Healthcare innovation icon

Healthcare Fund

Gold icon

Gold Fund

A sample of companies in our funds

Backed by the experts

The Committee is responsible for the composition of the funds. They're also responsible for the settings that underpin the fund mix recommendations you receive from Tempo. Collectively, the Committee has decades of experience analysing markets.

Tempo works closely with Forsyth Barr to deliver you the best investment experience.

Forysth Barr

Meet our Tempo Investment Committee

Matt Henry

Matt Henry

Head of Wealth Management Research
Read bio
Melissa Platt

Melissa Platt

Director / Senior Analyst,
Wealth Management Research
Read bio
Chelsea Leadbetter

Chelsea Leadbetter

Executive Director,
Head of Wealth Development
Read bio
Aaron Ibbotsonn

Aaron Ibbotson

Director / Senior Analyst,
Read bio

Want to know more?

Here's some answers to questions you may have.

  • How do I get started?
  • What types of fees are there?
  • How does Tempo give investment advice?
  • When can I take my money out?
  • Is Tempo secure?
  • Can anyone invest in Tempo?

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© Copyright 2024 — Tempo Limited
The Forsyth Barr Funds are issued by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement for the Forsyth Barr Funds is available on our Documents and Disclosures page.